Tuesday, July 31, 2007


FearBurster is a team of people who works in the field of Basic Electronics, Embedded system desing ,Communication and Robotix. This group is founded by Mr. Pankaj Agrawal, a B.Tech in Electronics & Communication from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology,Bhopal. He passed out in june,07 and presently working as research engineer in C-DOT, Banglore.
I have been actively working in this team for two years. We call this team a FearBurster as we feel that most of the engineering students in various colleges has been brought up with a fear of using electronics in practice and more over in product development and this team is working to burst this fear and bring the bright minds in research and development. We have organized a number of workshops in different colleges in Bhopal and working on to extend it on National Level. We have a good experience in working with Microcontroller, FPGAs, networking tool etc. and we are growing as a product development team.
The other members of FearBuster includes:
1) Sandeep Agrawal (Final Yr. ECE, MANIT, Bhopal)
2) Alok Talukdar (Final Yr. MECHANICAL,MANIT,Bhopal)
3) Manish Pandey (Final Yr. ECE, RIST, Bhopal)
4) Sonam Topgay (Third Yr. ECE,MANIT,Bhopal)
5) Aditya Mishra (Third Yr. ECE, MANIT,Bhopal)
6) Sudesh Morey (Final Yr. ECE,MANIT,Bhopal)

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